Sunday, November 15, 2015

Video Game of the Week

First off, lets talk about video games and one in particular, plus what the people are saying! The newest game to hit shelves is Call of Duty: Black Ops III. For the unfamiliar, Black Ops III is basically a sci-fi military first-person shooter being the twelfth entry in the Call of Duty run. This installation takes place in the future, in the year 2065. Within that year, the world is facing robotics and supersoldiers which is the result of a dependence on machine. Like The Terminator, there is a fear of a machine takeover with the main character being a supersoldier! The game was given a 7/10 rating on GameSpot. Honestly, this seems to be rather surprising considering the massive amount of advertising going into the project. For example, the publisher of the game Activision held a very impressive campaign, with many celebrities being featured; including actors Michael B Jordan, Christopher Meloni, Katee Sackhoff and football player Marshawn Lynch. Some of which, are actually doing voice work in the game! The clip above showcases both Michael B Jordan and model Cara Delevingne. Regardless, a ton of money was poured in into the promotion; however, that never altered the game itself and its ratings. Overall, the game received positive reviews including the well accredited IGN who gave it a 9.2/10. However, not all elements of the game seem positive at first. Some players had issues with the game from its developers. For example, the game caught some heat for the PC release which doesn’t seem at all surprising. According to multiple geek sites, Black Ops on PC had massive amounts of quirks including some cutscene issues like stuttering within a scene. Not a big issue but it was enough to be catalogued within the PC games that always contain issues after a release; like the newest Batman game. Once again, not a big problem especially if it can be fixed with an update. What’s even more ludicrous and worth the attention is that players are only allowed to choose white characters in the actual campaign. The player does have the decision to play male or female but as far as ethnicity, those choices are limited sadly. Dave Their* from, wrote that the reasoning behind the madness is due to the characters being modeled after actors in the game. Would make sense if the player was just given the choice between strictly male or female; however, that is not the case. *

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